KINGDOMS OF ENGLAND --------------------- A REALISM ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTION PRESENTED BY FAIRLIGHT! Dox typed in over a 5 hour period during the cracking of the game by Strider & Excalibur of FairLight! The object of the game is to become the king of England, and this is accomplished by taking over provinces which makes your kingdom grow. There are 2 ways to win : winning by an alloted time or gaining the majority percentage of all the land ownership. These 2 ways are decided when the game is begun. The 'i' key can be used anywhere where there is animation to toggle between interlaced and non-interlaced mode. THERE ARE 4 PARTS TO THE GAME, EACH WITH ITS OWN SECTIONS. PART 1: MAP --- This map shows the whole of England broken up into 63 individual provinces. Each province can have a structure built in it, and each one can hold up to 4 armies. Each has a tax value which is the amount of silver that it brings in every turn. You can click and hold on the small map of England with the left mouse button and then move the mouse around and the big map will follow your movements. You can also use the bidirectional compass to move around more slowly. The 'done' button button is used to end each player's round and to calculate any battles. There are 4 structures; from tower, keep, small castle, to large castle. In each province, the completion level of the structure built there is represented by a different picture or if the structure has been attacked and is broken down. If there is no structure, the province shows ownership by showing a small flag of the owner's colors. In the small map, each province shows ownership by the owner's color only. If the province in the small map is colored black it means that the province is unowned. Clicking the left mouse button in the centre of each province brings up its respected data. Data includes the name, tax, value, terrain type, movement points, ownership, and number of personnel and catapults in each army. If you do not own a province, all data shows except the number of personnel and catapults of each army. A pennant is shown for each army there with the tip of the pennant being an approximation of the number of men in that army. The color of the pennant's tip represents the number of men in army and is broken down as follows: 0-59 men, WHITE; 60-99 men, LIGHT BLUE; 100-174 men, GREEN; 175-249 men, YELLOW; 250-374 men, ORANGE; and 375->, RED. If any prisoners are held within that province , this will also be shown only to the owner of that province. Clicking the right mouse button in the center of a province, brings up the options menu. The options shown are: ENTER TOWN, JOIN ARMIES, SPLIT ARMIES, and MOVE ARMY. By clicking on the words of each command with the left mouse button, the command is executed. COMMANDS: JOIN ARMY - Allows you to join 2 armies into 1. This allows you to move more armies into a province. Click with the left mouse button to join from and then the army to join to. SPLIT ARMIES - Allows you to take an army and split it up. You first choose the army you want to split, and the click on an open space where the new army to be formed will be put. Clicking the left mouse button on the numbers will move 1 man or catapult between the 2 armies. Clicking the right mouse button will move 10 men or 10 catapults. ENTER TOWN - Allows you to hire men, purchase catapults, and build/improve structure. You must have at least a full tower (25 structure points) in that province to hire men or purchase catapults. The options in the town are: HIRE MEN, PURCHASE CATAPULTS, and BUILD/IMPROVE STRUCTURE. HIRE MEN & PURCHASE CATAPULTS - The costs are printed on the left side, with the type of men or catapults in the center, and the total hired or purchased on the right. Clicking the left mouse button over the number on the right will hire or purchase 1. Clicking the right mouse button will hire or purchase 10. You can only purchase 1 catapult at a time. BUILD/IMPROVE STURCTURE - You can build or improve the structure by purchasing structure points. Each point costs 5 silver. You can only build or improve a structure between the spring and fall fair(light!!!!!). MOVING ARMY - Allows you to move an army. To move an army, click in the province with the army to move with the right mouse button. Then click the left mouse button on the army to move (the text word) and then in the middle of the province you want it to move to. Once an army is moved you can't hire men for, purchase cata- pults for, or split or join that army. If the province you move to isn't owned by you, a pennant is shown on the border between the 2 provinces. If you move another army to the same province, both armies are joined into 1. If you don't remember how many men are moving into a province, note the pennant tip. If you want to take back a move, click the right mouse button in the province with the army to move back, click the left mouse button on the army to move back (if an army is about to enter another province, it will be highlighted in red with 2 stars next to it on the left), and then click the province where it first came from. Each army has 5 movement points with the start of the round and each point is used up as move through different provinces. When you have completed all your moves and are done with your round, you exit the menu on the bottom by hitting EXIT word with the left mouse button and click the right mouse button on the DONE gadget. PART 2: BATTLE ------ In battle, each man type (archers,soldiers,knights, and rangers) has different fighting abilities which correspond to fight points. The fight points are used to determine the victor of each battle. The army is affected by the different kinds of weather, so as the weather gets worse, the fight points go down. Weather has full effect on the attacker of a battle, but only 2/3 effect on the defender since the defender doesn't have to move his forces. There are 2 fight point bonuses which can be obtained. One way is for every 25 men you have than your opponent (i.e. your 200 men against his 25) gives you a 4% bonus. Another way is for every 5 structure points you have, when an opponent attack your structure, you get a bonus of 1% added to your defending armies' fight points. Example: Your castle has 50 structure points, you get an extra 10% added. The more structure bonus you get, the better your catapult accuracy. Fight points are as follows: ATTACKING - Soldiers 1, Crossbowmen 2, Archers 3, Knights 7 and Rangers 3. DEFENDING - Soldiers 2, Crossbowmen 3, Archers 4, Knights 7 and Rangers 5. Terrain type and weather has an effect on both attackers and defenders. If you have 1 ranger for every 25 men in your army, then the effect of terrain is nullified otherwise, mountain terrain has a -10% effect, rolling hills -5%, and lowlands 0%. Weather effects are as follows: Men Catapults Clear and sunny 0 0 T-storms and lightning -30 -50 Thunderstorms -15 -30 Light fog -4 -20 Thick fog -15 -40 Rain -10 -15 Rain and lightning -20 -25 Overcast 0 0 Prestige is the moral of your kingdom. Prestige starts out as zero and for each battle you win, it goes up by 1 point. Losing a battle, minuses 1 point. Eliminating another player from the game gives you 5 points. Every 2 weeks, (the end of a turn) is brought towards zero (plus 1, or minus 1) whether or not it is positive or negative. Prestige can be a factor in whether or not you can win an evenly matched battle. The harder your men fight, the better the chance that you will win. There are 2 types of battle, QUICK and DETAIL. In quick battle you can see the battle quickly without the blood'n guts (who would like that?); in detail you can watch the battle blow by blow(job). QUICK BATTLE: Quick battle shows the number of men, total fight points, catapults, and what the catapults are currently aiming at. It also shows a picture of the structure (if any) for the defender and it's structure points. To aim catapults during battle use the '1' key to aim at the men, '2' key to aim at the castle, and '3' key to aim at the defender's catapult. These keys are for the attacker only (the keyboard keys are for the attacker, keypad keys are for the defender). The defender uses the '2' and '3' keys on the keypad ('2' to aim at the men, '3' to aim at the attacker's catapults). Other options during battle are the '8' key for both the attacker and the defender (keyboard for attacker and key- pad for defender) to retreat. You can only retreat to a neighbouring province you own. The '9' key (keypad) for the defender to surrender. (You can rescue your men later; remember surrending is better than dying when there's nowhere to retreat to.) Surrendered men are imprisoned and can only be retrieved by rescuing them. HINT!: If you surrender, remember where you did so! To continue the quick battle fight, click the left mouse button. This allows you to watch the action every round, which gives you a chance to aim catapults at different targets and time to retreat or surrender. The catapults fire every other round. If both defender and attacker are simultaneously killed, the defender retains ownership of the province. If a human opponent is involved in a battle with the computer, the conflict will be resolved by the use of the quick battle method. If two human opponents are involved in battle, they have the choice of either quick or detailed battle. When you see 'GIVE ORDERS TO CONTINUE' this means click the left mouse button to continue. DETAIL BATTLE: When you select detail battle, the attacker and defender have to set up their army and catapult units for battle. This ability lets you make your own strategy other that letting the armies fight head to head as in quick battle. To accomplish this, understanding the BATTLE SETUP is a must. You can only go into detail battle if the defender has a keep, small castle or a large castle. BATTLE SETUP: Underneath the words OVERALL ARMY TOTALS (in light blue) are: TOTAL # RESERVE, PRESTG,WETHR,ATT/DEF,LAND&SPECIAL,FIGHT VAL.EA,FIGHT PTS.EA TOTAL,AVE FPT. TOTAL # RESERVE - This is the total number of personnel in reserve (not assigned to a unit). Each number has it's own personnel type, (Soldiers,Crossbowmen etc...). Look to the right of each number and you will find which type of personnel this number belongs to. PRESTG - This is the prestige of your men. This number bases itself on the number of battles you have won or lost. You only get a bonus if your prestige is higher than your opponent's; if not, your percentage will be zero. Prestige is constant with all your men, not individuals. In other words, the archers can't be feeling better than the knights. WETHR - This is the weather effect percentage. If the weather is clear and sunny, the weather bonus is nullified (a great day for an attack!). The worse the weather is, the worser your army will fight, and the better the chances are of losing the battle. Nobody likes to fight in thunderstorms and lightning (a sword can act as a lightning rod). ATT/DEF - This is the bonus for outnumbering your opponent. If you outnumber your opponent, the better your chances are for winning, but this bonus changes as the battle goes on. LAND&SPECIAL - This is the bonus that goes to the defender. If you have one ranger for every 25 men in your army, the bonus is nullified for the defender. If you don't have a ranger for every 25 men your chances of attack on a castle in a mountain area are lessened, but on an attack on a castle in flatlands, rangers aren't needed. FIGHT VAL.EA - This is the fight value that each personnel type has. This is the value that each man has in battle. This is different from fight points in that fight value is factor of how good a personnel will fight in battle, and fight points are the factor in which army is the strongest before any modifiers such as prestige, weather, etc.... FIGHT PTS EA.TOTAL - This is the fight points of all your personnel type AFTER the modifiers have been added into the battle. AVE FPT - This is the average number of all your fight points added together from all the personnel. On the bottom half of the screen, the bonus headings, (prestige, weather, etc) are only different for the catapult units. The heading TOTAL #.MEN EA. give you the figure of each personnel type in that unit. The top half of the screen is the number of personnel in reserve, and the bottom half of the screen are the detailed figures of men and catapults being used. There are 2 types of individual units: ARMY & CATAPULT. There can be only 10 catapult units and 10 army units. To switch between the two units use the orange arrow gadget in the middle red bar. To switch between the 1-10 units of either the army or catapult units use the orange + or - gadget. For catapult units use the left mouse button on the purple + or - gadget to add or subtract # of catapults each unit will use. You can't add men to a catapult unit, each catapult has it's own operators, therefore you don't need a soldier or archer to operate it. The more units you have, the better the chances are that your opponent won't take out all your catapults in 1 shot even if you only have 1 catapult in each unit. The # of your catapult units (1-10) will be on the red square next to the green DONE gadget. Use the orange +/- gadget to flip through 1-10 units. Don't click the green DONE gadget just yet. Now the army units have to be done. To add men to the units from the reserves, use the purple +/- gadgets. A good selection of every type of personnel in each unit works better than just 1 type of personnel in a unit, but keep all your units even. Keeping you units even in numbers protects your catapults and your chances of winning the battle. The number of your army unit (1-10) will be shown on the red square next to the green DONE gadget. Use the orange +/- gadget to flip through 1-10 units. Catapults can only be moved into catapult units, and personnel can only be moved into army units. When you're finished moving all your men and catapults units, click on the green DONE gadget. When the attacker is done with setting up his units, the defender does his. The same steps are used to set up his units. You can set up the units before the catapults or vice versa. When both players have hit the green DONE gadget, the battle placement screen is brought up. In the battle placement screen, the attacker will set his units into position first. The screen is a 40*40 square grid with a structure in the middle. There are 10 buttons numbered 1-10, one for each of the units. To switch between the catapult and army units, click the left mouse button on the picture of the soldier or the catapult. To place a unit, make sure that the unit you are placing has the correct picture of it. The catapult picture is for catapult units and soldier picture is for army units. Choose a unit (1-10) by clicking on the unit number which will be highlighted in red. Then click in any of the light green squares that are outside the structure. You will now see a small representation of the unit. After you have placed the unit, the number of the unit will turn bright orange. This tells you that the unit is placed. You can move units which you have misplaced by clicking the left mouse button on the unit number, which is bright orange. The number will turn red again, you can then place the unit. You can scroll around the grid by using the directional arrows in the lower right-hand part of the screen. Below the arrows shows the name of the player which is currently placing his units and above the arrows is the number of men in the army unit if an army unit is being placed. When the attacker is finished placing his units, the defender follows the same steps and placing his units with the only difference that when placing catapult units, he will only be able to place them only within the structure's walls. A small picture of a catapult on a tower will be shown for the defender's catapult units. The defender's men can be placed anywhere outside the structure, but most likely he should place them next to the attacker's units. When both attacker and defender have completed placements of both units, the battle begins (FINALLY!). Keys for the attacker during battle are as follows: ESC for retreat, 1-0 (on keyboard) to find out info about the respective units (hit RETURN to toggle between catapult and army units). For the defender during battle, the 1-0 (on keypad) to find out info about the respective units (hit ENTER to toggle between catapult and army units). You can bring up stats for a particular unit by hitting the number of the unit once, hitting the number twice centers on that unit so you can watch it, hitting it three times lets you move the unit using the mouse by holding down the right mouse button and moving in the desired direction for the attacker. The colors represented in the miniature overhead view of the battlefield are as follows: Bright Red - Attacker's catapult units, Dark Red - Attacker's catapults, Bright Yellow - Defender's catapults units, and Brown for the defender's catapults. PART THREE: ARCHERY ------- There are 2 archery competitions. These occur twice a year, during the spring and fall fair. Winning these competitions gives the following prices of 75 silver for 1st place, 35 silver for 2nd, and 10 silver for 3rd place. The first place winner of the event will have his prestige go up 5 units, and the second finisher gains 1. PART FOUR: RESCUE ------ When you attack a province and it has prisoners in it, you're asked if you want to rescue them. If you decide to do so, you won't attack the province. Night falls. The raider is controlled by the mouse, and wherever the pointer is moved, the raider responds. The onject is to make into the dungeon and rescue your men. This is accomplished by defeating any guards you might encounter and getting to the right hand part of the screen. To thrust the sword, click the left mouse button; to swing the sword click the right mouse button. You can also block your opponent's attack by moving the pointer underneath the feet of the raider, (the raider will kneel) and holding the right mouse button. Clicking the left mouse button while the raider is kneeling will make the raider thrust his sword. The moves are as follows: Fire - Thrust, Up+fire - Chop, Down+fire - thrust downward, lower right - block. You will know when you're close to your goal when you're in the dungeon and see the jail cells. EXTRAS ------ Structures points are the defensive strngth of your tower, keep or castle. You can have between 1-200 structure points at a cost of 5 silver each. These are bought in town. Not only do you need structures for defensive capabilities, you also need them to attract men for recruiting and purchasing catapults. Structures go up in levels of 25 points for a full tower, 75 for a full keep, 125 for a full small castle, and 175 for a full large castle. You can also build up your current structure uf you don't have the silver to pay from 25 to 75 points; you can have 50 points for an in-between tower and keep. Structures can only be built/improved between the spring fair and the fall fair. When structures are built, the level of completion is shown on the main scrolling map. Ownership of a province with a structure in it will show ownership in the form of a flag flying the owner's colors on the structure. THE END.